1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the social.mondoweiss.net moderators.

  1. Content Warnings/Wrappers: Mondoweiss is a news outlet, covering the movements, activists and policymakers who affect the struggle for freedom in Palestine. We endeavor to be friendly participants in the fediverse and we welcome polite feedback about our use of CW tags on our posts.
  2. Users: This server is for staff of Mondoweiss, and is closed to registration from others.
  3. Moving Accounts: Our staff are free to move their accounts to other Mastodon instances when they leave Mondoweiss, or at any other time.
  4. DM's are Not Encrypted: Direct messages on Mastodon are not encrypted, and can be read by administrators on the instances of anyone mentioned. Do not use them for secure or truly private communications.
  5. Alt Text: Users are expected to always add some form of descriptive alt text to pictures and other attached media.